Fucking Tax Returns

For as long as I can remember I have waited until the final day to file taxes. I always file an extension and always wait to the very final moment which for 2016 is today. And for the first time ever I had to file a tax return for my love, his final tax return filed on October 16, 2017 @ 8:21 PM. His personal number 57666. He would have liked that as much as he hated taxes. This has made me emotional. It was weird to type deceased, he died, he died, he died. I was blind in filing it. It wasn’t much money anyway and he didn’t have to pay any taxes. And he got grace on the Wigwam. Thanks Obama. I’m having a Kahlua and cream to celebrate which is not a drink I even like but it’s all we have in the pantry. Pretty damn good.

I miss you so much honey. Every single thing is a big deal. Taxes and death. It’s true I’d file 1000 more to just have you back.
