chronic tea | fresh spinach | april 5, 2005

Fresh spinach may start high in folate,
but loses it when not eaten within eight days of harvest.

In this case canned or frozen spinach may be preferable to fresh unless you grow your own. Even though the spinach may appear to be fresh it does not mean the leaves are still full of nutrients. Splashing the leaves with ice water may make the produce look nicer but it doesn’t restore lost nutrients. Also produce may spend time in a warm shipping truck on its way to market which only helps to destroy the nutrients.

Researchers at Penn State University found spinach stored at 4 C loses its folate and carotenoid content at a slower rate than if stored at 10 C to 16 C. Most refrigerators are set at slightly higher than 4 C. After eight days at 4 C, the spinach retained 53 per cent of its folate, the researchers found.[read mo’]
posted by Domina at 02:19PM EST [trackback] (1 comments total)

the best spinach dip also utilizes freshly picked spinach, usually flash frozen, it is then sauted quickly with salt and pepper and mixed with parmesean cheese, queso type cheese, a little heavy whipping cream and white pepper. A hint of roasted mashed garlic will rev it up even more.
posted by PUNK at 06:18PM EST on April 05

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