
The Best Photo of a Naked Guy at a Phillies Game You’ve Ever Seen

I mean, what else can you do but give kudos to Associated Press photographer Jeff Roberson for framing this photo in just about the only acceptable way to make a naked guy on a baseball field seem like a total badass – The700Level

And Jeff Passan of Yahoo! Sports tells the story like a goddamn David Anspaugh film

One row in front of Grundstrom sat Jackson Dement, a precocious 7-year-old redhead who had come to see baseball. Instead, he saw a naked dude, something that on the street connotes horror and psychological scars and yet at a stadium is charming, an act of civil disobedience in which everybody but one can participate without penalty.

Collin Grundstrom, streaker, will pay in dollars and shame, his search-engine purity forever ruined for an act of loyalty, bravery and nudity.

Jackson Dement, fan, declared to his mom, Kellee: “This was the best game ever.”