Kundalini energy flowing…
our human nervous system-
the circle centers and endless rotation of shakti…
centers of activity that transform and
express life force energy…
cleanse ama…
free up stagnance…
—->white: “Soul Star”: above head… the stellar gateway…
—->violet: Sahasrara: like lotus top of head
—->indigo: Ajna: third eye
—->blue: Vishuddha: throat
—->green: Anahata: heart
—->yellow: Manipura: solar plexus
—->orange: Swadisthana: sacral
—->red: Muladara: root
—->brown: “Earth Star”: feet
prana… source of energy in the universe…
feel it…
let it flow…
like flowers – sun cycles
heighten awareness…
love and light…