
 Alien Abduction Lamp. $5 to make. I love this and don’t know why! From Heather at Dollar Store Crafts here. Her project was inspired by Lasse Klein’s conceptual Alien Abduction Lamp. It is now for sale, looking more polished, but losing the charm of the cheapie $5 version for $84.99 here. This fits the American Stereotype of UFOs and Alien Abduction so perfectly – I love it. And to my friend in England right now, is this the lapse in taste you were talking about?


Via unconsumption:

Friend of Unconsumption Rubi McGrory, featured here in posts about her contribution to our Uncollection, thought of us when she spotted this repurposed container herb garden. The garden’s located on the grounds of Forty 1 North, a waterfront boutique hotel in Newport, Rhode Island. Rubi was pleasantly surprised to see the upscale property reusing kitchen waste. Well done! 

[Thanks, Rubi!]

Speaking of The Uncollection: Stay tuned for another addition to it, which we’ll share here with you in the next week or so.