
My goodness, the internet seems to be brimming with awesome tales of interspecies friendship lately. We love it! So without further ado, here’s another one for you:

In the beginning of May a Canadian wolf named Jacob and a grey she-wolf named Lopa became parents in Vladivostok, Russia. Unfortunately Lopa rejected her five cubs. People tried feeding the cubs with special milk, but four of them didn’t survive. That left one little female in need of care. People tried unsuccessfully to pair her with a sheepdog, but the dog responded aggressively and things began to look very grim for the frail little cub.

Fortunately a local Dalmatian named Ryba, aged 8, showed some interest in the cub.The wolf cub, now named Rapunzel, tried to suckle from the motherly Dalmation, which seemed impossible since Ryba has never had pups of her own. Nevertheless, somehow Ryba began to suckle her little charge. Ryba takes good care of her little adopted daughter, sleeps beside her, licks the cub clean, massages her stomach, and doesn’t let strangers come close.

When wolf cubs first open their eyes they imprint on whatever they see. On May 18th Rapunzel finally opened her eyes to see Ryba, which officially maked Ryba her new mother. Aww…

[via English Russia]