Being in a past relationship (with kids) with a herion addict, I can say this, trading one drug for another is a problem. You will never be free. I ended up throwing him out. I have ended up with the father to my eldest child, who was an addict as well(before we reunited). He will tell you the only way to have a chance with kicking this addiction is to endure the withdrawal (which is exactly what he did 2 years, 2 months, and 19 days ago). The pills may help, but you are only prolonging the inevitable. My ex never believed me (which is why he’s my ex). I do have one thing to say that is probably going to jack alot of people off, but who put the dope in your arm to begin with? The wonderful gift we all possess is free will. I am not perfect. Smoked some weed, did a few lines of coke, even did an oxy to prove my point to my ex, but I am no addict. Haven’t even been around cocaine in ten years. I make a conscience decision to be drug free, if not for myself, but for my children as well. Addicts play the blame game when the blame is 100% on themselves. I am sick and tired of people calling this a disease. A disease is MS, Leukemia, Cancer, Crohn’s, etc. things that can happen to you despite your lifestyle. Drugs are a choice. Own up to your actions and face the consequences. This is the only way you have even a chance at a normal life. My ex is in prison now, but guess what, it wasn’t his fault, it was the drugs. He shot up my house on Christmas with a .38. (shot a hole directly in the middle of my daughters’ Christmas gift), but since he was on drugs, it’s excusable? No.