
For dinner on Halloween Eve, Michael told us about this fancy place his school had taken him in Shin Jeju called “Modu Modu”. It was a bit outside the city proper, but the place was huge and had an outdoor gazebo, and a manmade fountain waterfall thing, and little outdoor eating nooks. It was crazy awesome and I would have gotten better pictures of it all if it hadn’t been night time and freezing. 

Inside, there was a Malaysian girl singing, and she did English songs for us. The room was lit by globes that draped from the singing, and they did a menu of Korean and Chinese. We ended up ordering way too much: steamed dumplings, two different types of fried rice, spicy duck barbeque, and shabu shabu. Whoops! We blasted through the lot of it though. The Koreans were impressed. WESTERNERS LIKE TO EAT.