10/2/10 @ 5:01 pm – definite 7 almost 8.


i’m so fucking stoned, i really should know better. which of course i’m not able to do because i’m too fucking stoned to remember to know better. for example, i can’t even remember wtf i’m remembering about, for christsakes. there’s this hazy memory i have, i just found hiding behind a long damaged medulla oblongata. people claiming to be bros loaded me down with buds to celebrate arnie doing something worthwhile before he left office, it’s been a happy day, indeed. i’m blazed enough, BUT HOW ABOUT YOU – WHERE DO YOU RATE ON THIS GOOD OL’ HIGH ASSESSMENT SCALE?


Renowned 60s photographer (hippies and rock musicians) Elaine Mayes is 72 today…

Photo of Jim Morrison and a bit of tongue, 1967



This girl in my hall went to an Italian wedding over the weekend and brought back a big ziplock bag full of “confetti,” an authentic Italian candy that consists of chocolate or almonds coated in baked sugar. 

Someone needs to get it out of the kitchen before I eat it all.  it’s so good!

We are Italian and when i was little my aunt had these at her wedding. Tasty!!