I feel real pain at the moment. I have been in love with my boyfriend for a long time, and for a long time we were so happy.

But over time I have found he can’t stop looking at naked pictures of girls on his PC. Everytime it happens he always promises it won’t happen again but it always does. He says he is sorry and these pictures mean nothing to him. So why does he keep doing it over and over and why save the pictures and the websites?

I have been feeling progressively low and going down ever since the first time I found out.

I no longer trust him. Maybe deep down I never did – and my low self-esteem doesn’t help. Maybe I am over-reacting. I love him and want to forget but I keep seeing those images in my head.

I can’t stop crying and feel so unhappy and hate myself for not having the courage to leave him. I feel so desperate I often wish I was dead.