
I don’t speak whatever language this website is in, but I’m pretty sure that is a giant marionette, and I’m pretty sure it is terrifying.

Iggy Pop gives insurance street cred. “Swiftcover says its first-quarter sales soared 31 percent over the same period last year, thanks to the ad.”


Extremely rare first pressing of Strangers’ 1964 American debut, features only known extant photo of “fifth” and “sixth” Strangers Alistair Sweedlepipe and Richard “Dick” Swiveler. Sweedlepipe had a chronic case of stage fright just before Strangers were to play on “Ready, Steady, Go!” and retired to work in his father’s aluminium salvage yard. Swiveler was such a dreadful guitar player that Breakwind and Foggybottom sacked him before Strangers first show at the Shropshire pub The Half-Pissed Stoat. Until his untimely death, Breakwind sent Swiveler a stipend each month from his own earnings, effectively paying him not to be in the band.

Again, there is no truth to the rumour that Swiveler changed his name to Johnny Rotten and founded the Sex Pistols. Swiveler remains to this day a barkeep at The Half-Pissed Stoat, where for a fiver he’ll tell you all about his glorious six weeks in the band, and what could have been if he’d only stayed at his guitar lessons like mum told ‘im.

chronic tea:

yeah yeah uh huh, yeah