chronic tea/november 2002



10/01/2002 – 10/31/2002
10/20/2002 – 10/26/2002
11/03/2002 – 11/09/2002
11/10/2002 – 11/16/2002


Saturday, November 16, 2002

Looky what I found: biker chic purse, kitty collar, french oui oui, legwarmers, Versace sunglasses, vintage t-shirts, Fornarina jeans, sacred charms, hula girl body souffle, some licks, blotting papers, soaptopia, perfect eyebrow kit, and the lipstick page. — posted by mommie dearest at 10:30 PM | comments [0] I was starting to give up on everybody. Ok I lost six pounds the first week so it does work, but I cheated last night and had chinese food. I wanted to show everybody this information about BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER which I came across while reading an article about Michael Jackson. I’m quite sure I’ve always had it. I’m just glad I never had Michael Jackson’s money or I might have turned myself into a freak too. I still might. :)~ — posted by mommie dearest at 5:50 PM | comments [0]

Sunday, November 10, 2002

Hey, why does it put my name up there, not my username? — posted by Michelle at 12:49 AM | comments [1] Sorry, I haven’t started the diet yet, it was too hectic of a week. But, Monday is when it starts. Trish is doing it with me so maybe it won’t be too hard. I’ll let ya know how it is going. — posted by Michelle at 12:48 AM | comments [1]

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Well so far this morning I’ve had coffee but no Raisin Bran. Yuck. I agree it’s hard to eat breakfast when you haven’t ever liked breakfast. But at least I’m thinking about it. In fact I think I’ll steal some ideas from here so I can learn 61 ways to look better naked. And if you are in a hurry I can give you one now…perk up your posture. Stand up, hold your shoulders back, look 10 pounds thinner. Heard that one before? I wish I could remember to do it all the time too.

It’s never too late to start thinking about wrinkles. Sorry.

Tonight: The Bachelor and after that The Osbournes. Season two of The Osbournes debuts on MTV on November 26. And they are now casting for the bachelorettes for next season. If you are desperate or shallow or both you can apply here. — posted by mommie dearest at 11:21 AM | comments [1]

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Happy Birthday ! We love you!

Starting tomorrow everybody weigh and take a waist measurement. Make sure you weigh at least once a week and take a waist measurement once a month. Until the end of 2002 we will be thyroid testing. Try and follow this plan as close as you can until the end of the year, but if you fall off, don’t worry…just start over the next day. Limit your calories to around 1000 per day aiming for 25% fat, 28% protein, and 47% carbohydrates. You must walk a mile at least 3 times a week. You must drink at least 8 big glasses of water a day. Try to be organic if you can but right now that’s not the most important thing…just getting used to 1000 calories will be tough enough.

1 cup multi grain cereal like Raisin Bran(no sugar cereal)
1/2 cup skim milk
1 cup coffee (w/milk but NO sugar) or just drink water

Stouffer’s Lean Cuisine Cafe Classics Glazed Chicken
Water or sugar free iced tea

12 oz. sirloin steak (that’s a lot!)
2 cups steamed broccoli and cauliflower
Water or sugar free iced tea

That’s it…just enough to get you started. You can have all the water or hot herbal tea you want but nothing else. At first it will be tough but it will get easier. I’ll be adding more menus and even a shopping list as soon as I get time.
— posted by mommie dearest at 8:20 AM | comments [0]

Friday, October 25, 2002

Christie … here is something you might be interested in looking over…click. — posted by mommie dearest at 6:15 PM | comments [0]

Thursday, October 24, 2002

…chronic tea will be served… — posted by mommie dearest at 9:14 PM | comments [1]

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