A female reader, anonymous, writes:

In today’s society, porn is viewed as something acceptable. The norm will think that all men get caught up in it, and have the “boys will be boys” attitude. A lot of people think that porn is a healthy habitual action to be mentally involved in. They think that it is normal to be curious, and what better way to solve that curiosity by innocently looking at porn. You will often here people saying, “Well as long as it keeps my boyfriend from cheating on me, I think its good!” and you will often hear men, as well as women saying that is increases the pleasure of sex life. So all in all, porn can be a positive thing, and isn’t hurting anything, so why the controversy?

I will tell you exactly when there is a controversy. The first problem is that a lot of people view this as something that boys will do, and it’s no big deal. By saying this, people are saying that porn is a natural thing to do, which makes it ok. I couldn’t be opposed to this any more than I am now. Porn is not a natural thing to do. It may be a natural feeling to want to look at it, but just because you have that feeling it doesn’t mean one should act upon it. The whole curiosity mumbo jumbo is a bull excuse to make porn seem ok to look at. We are all curious about things, but does that mean it is ok to do whatever it takes to satisfy that curiosity? I think not. A person may be curious about how it would be to rape women, or a man for that matter, but does it make it out to go do it just because you have that curiosity? Any person with any moral principals would have to say “no”. You may think the analogy that I just used is totally different from viewing porn, but in reality it has a lot of similarities. Have you ever heard of the term “Eye rape”? That is a term a lot of women use when they see a guy checking them out. Now, unfortunately, women in porn do this willingly, so in that sense it is not like rape. But what if some of them women in the porno regret their decision to be in porn? What if some of the women realized that it is important to show men that they are beautiful on the inside; and not degrade themselves by showing men their parts? This means we would be looking at women in ways that she does not want. Does this seem fair? No it does not. This means women are being mentally raped.

Porn is a sad thing to fall into, and one of the sad things is that porn degrades women. Who, when looking at porn, thinks “Wow, I bet she is a really nice person”, or “wow, she has pretty eyes”. No one! Since when did a body become more important than the actual person? Sadly, it’s been that way for a while now. You may think, “oh well I don’t know the person, so it’s ok!” This is totally irrational to think. Whether you know the person or not, you aren’t looking at them as a person, you are looking at them as a object, which is terrible to do to anyone. Even people who are in porn are humans, and they deserve to be treated as such, even if they don’t treat themselves as such.

Porn isn’t just wrong to the women in the porn, but is wrong because it can hurt your future wife/husband, and girlfriend/boyfriend. A lot of people lie to their significant other about watching porn, which is hurtful in the first place. It is sad that in today’s society getting off to a naked person is considered okay, especially to those in relationships. Porn is a form of cheating. Even if you view porn together, you are still looking at a naked women/man while getting sexual excited. At this rate, going out and giving oral sex to a person will not be considered cheating. This needs to stop before it gets any worse.

It is so easy to get addicted to porn, which is another reason why it is bad to look at it, even it if it is only one time. If you start watching porn, you have the potential to get addicted, which means you have the potential to never fully be able to stop, which means that it also has the potential to ruin future relationships whether your other agrees with it or not. What a lot of people don’t recognize is that the images from porn can stay with a person forever. Do you really want the person you love to have images of other people having sex while you are having sex? If you answer yes to this question, maybe you need to evaluate your relationship or future relationships. These images take away your mental virginity.

There are so many reasons why porn is bad, but the last reason I will touch on is that it doesn’t help men or women who are trying to be pure and don’t want to object women and men the way so many people do. Sex is something so special, and when you have something special you want to share it with someone that is important to you. If you share it with anyone that wants it, it doesn’t become so special anymore because it becomes something for everyone to see and something that is common.