She: “Hello”. (still asleep)
He: “Good morning, baby girl.”
She: “Hey honey…” (not awake)
He: “Darling, did you get my messages last night?”
She: “Of course I did.” (soooo tired)
He: “Baby I know you have been busy with your work
and everything, but can I ask you something?”
She: “zzzz”…ummm yes baby. what is it?” (uh-oh)
He: “Did you know a guy with a ROCK eyebrow has your name written across his chest?”
She: “No shite?” (trying to stifle a hell yeah)
He: “Baby? Do I need to worry about this guy?
She: “Of course not.” (thinking: )
He: “You want me to write your name on my chest? I’ve already poked needles through my arm and finger for you honey. You are permanently inked on my body. I just wish you wouldn’t kid around about other guys.”
She: Baby?(vision of caveman suddenly appears)
He: Yes?
She: Shush.(aka you woke my ass up for this?)
Public Service Announcement
This is my brain on lust.
“Win Your Man and Keep Him” Good Bed Manners
“Do not grind your teeth in your sleep, thrash around
with your clenched fists, or toss and twist so much
that you wind the sheets into a tight cocoon
around yourself, leaving your “pillow partner” bare.
Try to turn off the radio at an early moment after midnight.
All these things require some self-denial,
but remember what Emerson said:
“Good Manners are made up of petty sacrifices.”
Tired of Blogs?
Diversity in life. Get it while you can. 9 at a time. |
List Yummy Bum Bum One too many matrix toys to play with: logitech webcam, olympia 3000 digital camera, olympus camedia master v2.0, adobe photodeluxe v4.0, sony picturegear v5.0, and the little tickle it gives me to see how it turns out. I told you I am easily amused. This blog created on
November 21, 2000 and can end at any moment. |