:::fresh chicky:::how refreshing:::January 20, 2001:::

saturday, january 20 of 2001 in the PM
The man who will be leader of the free world…

“Come the millinennium, month twelve,
In the home of greatest power,
The Village Idiot will come forth
To be acclaimed the leader.”


The President of the United States of America
Will George “Dubya” Bush eradicate blogs?

George W. Bush on Technology

“There ought to be limits to freedom…”
George W. Bush: Enemy of Internet Free Speech
“Will the highways on the Internet become more few?”

The Ultimate Link Spew
All three of these will redirect you to the
“official” George W. Bush website.
aiyiyi…dum dum dum

I told myself I would let this day go by quietly. But I made a mistake and turned on the television at the wrong time. I saw a smiling Clinton, a smiling Gore, even a smiling Cheney (I happen to like Cheney) and then I saw HIM. Not smiling.
liberal adj. 1.favorable to progress or reform…6. favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression. 7. free from prejudice or bigotry. 8. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc..9. characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts. [Webster’s Dictionary, 1989]

its a dreary and rainy day in Washington

saturday, january 20 of 2001 in the early AM
Neale…you made me look. Shame on you. 😉
You enticed me. You made me weak. You kept me on the edge…click the link, click the link, click the link. For a few stressful  moments I considered changing the order of  my random blog list so I could move you ahead of sweet mjPix, AND Jish, AND Katie … just so I could slumber NOW in your Wetlog. I hold my head in shame for being such a linkslutBUT! I am W O M A N. Respect myself. Dark ages indeed! ummm…no Temptation Island at the Wetlog for me mister. Not yet. 🙂
And with that I say GOODNITE IRENE.

p.s. I can’t wait to get back to that Feng Shui.

This blog created on
November 21, 2000

and can end at any moment.

~restored on 2/7/17~