:::miss chicky:::once upon a time:::January 2001

Friday, January 12, 2001

Forgive me for being restless. Perhaps a good hard ….. would help.
Ok I’m a analyzer. I change my mind a lot. What is it that I really want to do with this anyway? Its redundant. So I’ll come up with a new idea…maybe use it to comment on what I really do on here anyway which is surf the net and steal ideas.

But before I switch mindset…let me get rid of this off my desktop.
Just a few thoughts from 2000:

I went against my nature and “chased” after a man for the first time. Never again.quote
The top internet obsession for me was Napster…Napster…Napster and a cd burner.
I learned a lot about cams and digital cameras.camera3__take_photoa
I took two months away from the computer during a “soulsearch”.
I wouldn’t want to live in Kansas but I would live in New Orleans.
I still love Atlanta.house3__smoking_chimneya
I fantasized about living on a island.
A month ago I could have flown to the Caribbean for half of what it cost now.
Damn passport.
I lost 27 pounds.
I kissed someone who kisses like I do.people3__movea
I got a loft to work in that I call my hideout.
Net porn is boring. Erotica is sexy.
Never drink martinis while wearing a long velvet dress and running downhill in heels.
Strippers really like women more than men.
Drugs WILL make a man impotent eventually. Boys be warned.
I became overly obsessed about getting wrinkles.
I added 15 books to my library but have only read 1/4 of them.
I learned I like the way cherry cigarettes look more than they taste.
My four jacks turned into a pair. Luckily I didn’t need the other pair to win.
Things really DO happen for a reason.

My temptation island is getting closer. I’m glad I cleared that up.

Nite nite.
1/12/2001 2:24 AM | Satan: Even a devil must draw the line sometime.

Wednesday, January 10, 2001

10 day review of the year 2001 thusfar
I want to move to New Orleans despite how much I love Atlanta.
I found out Ozzy will return for Ozzfest 2001. Yay!
I made one new friend.
I found an old friend again.
I changed my perfume.
I discovered I really like Zydeco music especially Beau Jocque.
I have procrastinated horribly at completing a report for work…just like last year and the year before that and the year before that…
Two women have encouraged me to switch careers. (note:on11/13/16 a medium told me the same thing.)
I have wondered: is my job actually a “career”?
I want to study Voodoo. Creole style.
I started drinking too much coffee again. But haven’t smoked or drank.
Based on a unbiased source I found out I look younger than I am.
And I won’t need a facelift for another 15 years or so.
But I might get a fat injection.
I learned I can either: 1)have a tummy tuck now. 2)lose weight and get a “killer” tuck later.
Botox hurts.
I have “discovered” Elvis Costello.:::Costello:::
Al Green still does it for me.
I saw a woman do something I find physically impossible. Yes, its pornographic.
I have watched one TV show this year. Ally McBeal.
But I have plans to watch Temptation Island in 20 minutes.
On my Pollstar concert watch list so far: Lenny Kravitz, Guns n Roses, Nashville Pussy.
I want Lenny Kravitz for lunch. Oh a third TV plan. Kravitz on Sat. Nite Live. – 1/20/01.
On the 1 to 10 scale I average a 6.5. I always figured I was an 8. Ok I still do.
And I got it bad for a sexy Caribbean guy.Later after Temptation Island…find out what I meant to say two weeks ago. And by the way. What do you mean I couldn’t survive? 😉
1/10/2001 8:55 PM | Satan frowned: I always thought the Original Sin idea was mine.


Some people are addicted to excitement. Unpredictability is an asset. You're charming, adventurous and maybe a little over the edge, but that's what it takes to sweep people off their feet.


Tuesday, January 9, 2001

I can’t get that extremely sexy voice out of my mind…
Can you keep it for me a few more days please? Thought I had lost it didn’t you?
I finally cleaned up my Amazon wish list and wished it delivered here. I’m not sure
why it thrills me so much to get those little boxes at my door but it does. The wish list
is where I keep my impulsive materialism stored. Impulses delivered today:
The Best American Erotica
9394952001. After getting a copy of the 2000 issue I
had to get the whole series. Plus three new albums all inspired by the
Costello 500.
Now I have my first Costello cd,
“My Aim is True”. The Band’s, “Big Pink”, and
Bobby Bland’s,
“Two Steps from the Blues”(which is just too good). Ok I’m happy now.
1/9/2001 6:13 PM | Eve: Just remember, if not for me there would be no Original Sin.

Monday, January 8, 2001

Elvis Presley was born on January 8, 1935 at 4:35 AM.

1/8/2001 4:35 AM | Eve: I wish to form a woman’s club to be made up of experts in the art of love. Those who have distinguished themselves throughout the ages as mistresses of a somewhat questionable profession. Satan: If you haven’t decided on a name for your club. I might suggest Hell’s Belles…


Sunday, January 7, 2001

Does this make sense to you?
According to Gutterspace…porno on the web is equal to only 1.5% of all web content (hahaha) but the most searched word is “fuck”? Dis do not add up to me.

I’m missing New Orleans so much I get excited just watching it from afar. You should too.
Gumbo Ya Ya
Bourbo Cam
Its raining.

I discovered one of my net neighbors as I was testing the ring club links way down below. He is cracking me up. I just wish he was really living next door to me. I visualize a shotgun and a beercan and his wife trying to make him come back inside. Hey I’d invite him over for a poker game. He is very entertaining. The secret hidden blog. LOL..but you have to see his whole website. Rates on my top 10 list. Curio Emporium.

And speaking of top 10. I dare you to submit your site to Fierce.com. I don’t have the guts to do it plus I hate rejection. But I love their attitude.

Wow. I want one. Maybe best “non weblog content of a weblog site” … Huh? Don’t mind me…I’m just jealous. 😉

Back to my Perl.
1/7/2001 8:14 PM | Satan tells Eve: The public demands youth! Eve pouts her lips: Its not very polite for a gentleman to remind a lady of her age. Satan: When, my dear girl, have I ever claimed to be a gentleman?

           Every day I learn something in Matrix land…
Like what a CHMOD is and how if not handled carefully it can shut your website down. 403 403 403. And then a person has to call their server and ask them if they could please fix it. And then a person has to listen to the guy on the other end tell you how maybe it would be better if you learned HTML before trying to confront PERL. In one ear …. out the other. Soooo…. I’m trying my best to figure out how to install a little Greymatter.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you…Noah for being born. And for being born smart. And most of all for sharing.
And you were right. It was Alice that was being bad. Ready for that Bonnie and Clyde? 😉
P.S. Not only is Noah sharing his cool program with everybody, he is also quite the deep thinking intellectual. Whether you want his script or not…do check out his writings.It was cool while it lasted. Thanks and farewell to Blogger.

AXL ROSE arises. This I will have to see in person. Sympathy with the Devil.

Enough. Goodnite.
1/7/2001 3:29 AM | Satan: It wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see some blonde with a baby smile given my job overnight. Well maybe a woman could handle it better. I’ve always been inclined to be too tender-hearted anyway.


Friday, January 5, 2001

No Java. No Blogger.
Alas, I have discovered my style of matrix building just doesn’t jive with blogging type publishing tools. And that’s because they don’t like javascript. And javascript is what I like to steal. So I guess its back to the old fashioned way of “blogging” (when it was called web journaling). I did it before. Of course its a pain in the butt compared to the simplicity of using Blogger. BUT!! too bad. Hey did anyone notice how Blogger wouldn’t work for shite the last two days … and then they went on the panhandling mission … and then it started working like a charm today? Thats some quick fixing, huh? I surely wouldn’t be cynical and think it was some kind of ploy. That would be a little mean of me considering I can’t use it anymore. lalala… 😉 p.s. I like the way Wired puts it: Vanity Websites. oh yeah.

Dave? Thank you for just being cool. If you can figure out this java thing I’m with you.

$15 will buy you a net orgy. Like we can’t get it for free on here. But it is kinda cute.

Yes, you were right…

A message to all the crappy guys out there in the world: don’t sweet talk us to get what you wanted in the first place. Just come out and be straight forward … otherwise you turn into a hypocritical asshole. And thank you my love for NOT being one of those guys.

I admit I wasted three whole days of this new year by not doing anything substantial or earth shaking. But today was one of those spectacular days which more than made up for it. Oh…all those things you have been telling me? I believe it now. 100% confirmed.

Here’s a little game. Find my tattoo. Then tell me where it is on my body. Those of you who already know are disqualified. No prizes for you. Thanks to the kinky guys.
1/5/2001 10:32 PM |  He preferred good honest demonesses of the Lilith type. (original misschicky.com post)

Thursday, January 4, 2001

Hey I did this by hand…
One of these days I will learn how to work this thing. Ok the Blogger situation is just not working anymore…after trying for about two hours to upload this very important document…lol…and getting no where…I got impatient and started looking for alternative “blogging” tools. I came across this dandy little website. So I joined the “blog philes ring” since I’m so good at playing with others and began to think that if I have to pay to feed my addiction…I might as well pay and get some customer service rather than contribute money for a Vintage Weblogs “free” service that may or may not ever work properly, right? Its really nice when something is free but sooner or later you gotta pay! blah blah…bitch bitch…~sigh~  😉
1/4/2001 1:30 PM | Women no longer interested Satan, now that they had become so much like men.


Vintage 2001 links viewed EVERY DAY – “the required blog list, yes I do look”

:::punk rock cooties!:::blackstar50_50           :::punk rock cooties!:::       

Seeking alternative fuels…
Damn…even getting into the “Lets Save Blogger Fund” page is slow as hell! Just feck it. Let’s go watch naked girls. Wanna? It’s free. Thanks to my grrrrrrrrr porno pal for that little eye-opener. I tried. I’d really like to support this guy, mainly cause I like his “full karmic benefit”, but I’m too web goofy to figure out how to get my stuff to work thru his program. I need point and click…cut and paste…u know…the easy way? Dammit.

Restless now…

Maybe I’ll take a class in my spare time. That and an unusual desire to attend beauty college and go on a nationwide tour of small town strip clubs is just overwhelming at the moment. Perhaps I’ll just go take a tinkle and get over it. Burning Man is calling me. Et tu’ baby?
1/4/2001 4:37 PM | (lol on that time guess)…umm umm…Satan was less attentive than usual.

Tuesday, January 2, 2001

Upon my return…2001_New Orleans
from New Orleans…I vote it to be the most wicked place on earth. And I wish to go back. Now.
1/2/2001 2:56 AM |  Eve has been terribly bored with Hell for a while.

I wish I could claim the quotes as my own but I just cannot and will not considering Satan is quite involved with the “Ladies in Hades” written by Frederic Kummer, part of a vintage erotica collection and a first edition published in 1928.


 They were “tastefully” kinky back then.


This blog created on
November 21, 2000

and can end at any moment.