Farrah Fawcett was all that was keeping MJ alive.

(via josh)


Farrah Fawcett History Lesson

Farrah Fawcett History Lesson

Our Farrah Fawcett has died…

Our Farrah Fawcett has died…

Boy oh boy, I am so mad at Farrah Fawcett-Majors. She is so conceited. She has never called me once. And after the hours I’ve spent holding up her poster with one hand!

Steve Martin, 1977

Farrah Fawcett finally died today (6/25/09) at age 62 because of cancer. Of course I didn’t know her personally but I feel really sad about it. She was my first girl crush before I even knew what a girl crush was all about. I wanted my hair to be exactly like hers. I wanted her tan. I wanted her face. God I wanted her smile. She was my Britney Spears.

I bought tons of her shampoo and it still remains the best smelling shampoo ever! Her famous bathing suit poster is a star in one of my favorite parts in my favorite teenage movie that starred my favorite teenage boy crush. Farrah, Travolta, Bee Gees disco…that’s all one should know to understand that part of the 70’s.

Dang. RIP Farrah, you were pretty damn cool.